
English Vocabulary: Planning a Day Out

Here are some words and phrases to talk about a day out that you plan with friends or family.


a day trip = a journey somewhere just for the day: “They’re going on a day trip to London.”

a day at the seaside = a day at the beach

a day at the races = a day when you go to see horse racing (very popular in the UK!)

a day in a theme park = a day in a place like Disneyland

a shopping trip = a day in a big city or a shopping centre

a day at the sales = when you go shopping when prices are cheap

Travelling arrangements

go by coach = go in a big, comfortable bus (a coach is for long journeys; a bus is for short journeys)

go by train / take the train

take a bus

drive = go by car

hire a minibus = pay for a small bus (for about 10 – 15 people) for the day

set off / leave at — (sharp) = the time you leave
“We are going to set off at 8am.”
sharp = punctual: “We are leaving at 7.30am sharp!”

get back at = the time you return: “We get back at 8pm.”

pick-up point = the place where you get on the coach: “There are two pick-up points. One at the Reading roundabout, and one outside the Red Lion pub.”

time for shopping / sightseeing: “We’ll have time for shopping in the afternoon.”
“We’re going sightseeing in the afternoon.”

a guided tour: “There will be a guided tour of the museum.”

a pitstop = a stop in the journey (for a toilet break): “The coach will make a pitstop at the motorway services.”

on the way = during the journey: “On the way there, we’ll stop at Stonehenge.”
“On the way back, we’ll take a detour into Oxford.”

take a detour = not go straight to your destination, but go to another place.

the scenic route = a journey with beautiful views: “We’ll take the scenic route on the way back.”


These are the things you’ll need to bring:

an umbrella = because in the UK it can rain a lot!

your camera = so you can take photos

a raincoat = to protect you from the rain

comfortable walking shoes = so you can walk a lot

a packed lunch = sandwiches, a bag of crisps, a piece of fruit etc

a bottle of water = lots of walking makes you thirsty!

a guidebook = so you can find out information about the place you are visiting

a small backpack = so you can carry everything easily

Evening activities

Here are some typical activities you plan with your friends.

a night out with friends = when you go out in the evening with your friends to a pub, club, restaurant, etc: “I’m having a night out with friends next Saturday.”

an evening at home = when you stay in: “I’d like a quiet evening at home tonight.”

come over for drinks / a barbecue / dinner = an invitation to come to your house: “Why don’t you come over for drinks on Friday evening?”

Other useful phrases

Why don’t you…? = a suggestion: “Why don’t you come over at about 8pm?”
Why don’t we …? = a suggestion for us all: “Why don’t we go on a day trip to London?”

Remember “Why don’t you / he…” etc is followed by the verb without ‘to’.

Let’s … = a suggestion: “Let’s go to London for the day!”

Remember: “Let’s…” is followed by the verb without ‘to’.

A Day Out

Choose the correct answer.

Now go to the next page to get essential phrases for offering, accepting and refusing food. Plus how to use “too”, “enough” and other food-related vocabulary: English Speaking: Offering Food