
10 Phrases To Avoid Speaking

What can you say if you don’t want to join a conversation? Perhaps you don’t have anything to say, or you don’t want to give your opinion.

Check out these phrases to avoid speaking in English!

When you don’t want to add anything to the conversation

Perhaps other people have already said everything you wanted to say. Use these phrases:

I don’t have anything to say here.” (When someone asks you for your opinion.)
I don’t have anything to add.” (This is useful when everyone is asked for their opinion, like in a meeting.)
“I don’t really have an opinion (either way).” (This is a good phrase to use when you don’t have a preference for one thing or another thing.)

When you don’t want to be involved

If two people are arguing and you don’t want to get involved, you could use these phrases:

I’d rather stay out of this one (if you don’t mind).” (Especially if someone asks you for your opinion.)
I’d prefer to sit this one out.” (When you sit out a dance, you choose not to dance. The phrase also means that you don’t want to get involved.)
I don’t really want to get involved.” (This is good for argument situations.)
It’s not for me to say.” (This means that you don’t have any authority to make a decision and that your opinion is irrelevant.)

When you don’t know what to say

Perhaps you aren’t an expert in the subject. You could use these phrases for this:

This isn’t an area of my expertise.” (Use this to avoid saying something you aren’t completely sure of.)
This isn’t something I’m familiar with.” (A good phrase to use when you’re new to a situation.)
I’m not the best person to ask.” (When someone else knows more or has more authority to make a decision than you.)

Get English Phrases For Every Situation

How do you avoid arguing, leave a conversation, or persuade someone? These are just some of the many situations where it’s important to know the right phrases. Get all these phrases – and more – in ‘Advanced English Speaking In 100 Steps‘. It’s the world’s FIRST list of easy, quick steps that help you speak fluently and confidently!

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